Advanced Periodontics & Implant Dentistry Dentist Odessa Texas

Laser Dentistry Has Revolutionized Periodontics

Laser dentistry is an incredible tool for treating gum disease and improving the overall health of gums. In our clinic, we offer laser dentistry as a solution for patients that are interested in a comfortable way to improve their oral health. Unlike traditional dental tools, lasers have the ability to treat the gums without causing significant irritation, swelling or bleeding. As such, our patients find that they are far more comfortable and relaxed when visiting our clinic for treatment.

Understanding gum disease.

To understand how lasers are beneficial, it is important to know how gum disease develops and how it is treated. People suffer from gum disease when plaque and tartar build up on the portion of the tooth that is underneath the gum line. Remember that teeth extend far below the gums and secure to roots at the base of the jaw bone. Much of the tooth structure is hidden away.

No matter how hidden the tooth roots are, it does not prevent plaque from inserting itself between the teeth and gums. Once there, it will continue to irritate the gum tissue and eventually lead to gum disease. Since brushing at home cannot remove all of the plaque, it is necessary to visit a dental professional for treatment.

Treatment options

It is best to visit a dental office to have the plaque and tartar removed as quickly as possible. A deep cleaning appointment will be necessary to remove the plaque. A dentist can use either a metal dental tool to get between the gums and teeth to scrape the plaque off or use lasers. This is one area where laser dentistry really shines.

Using a metal dental tool to scrape off plaque can be incredibly painful and lead to bleeding and swelling. However, lasers can be used to break up plaque and tartar and do so without causing any irritation to the gum tissue at all. In fact, most patients do not require any anesthesia for a laser treatment such as this. If caught early enough, a deep cleaning will be all that is necessary for restoring healthy gum tissue.

When gum disease has been allowed to progress, the gums will become so irritated that they will begin to pull away from the tooth structure and, eventually, pockets will be created in the gum tissue. This is incredibly dangerous to oral health because as more of the teeth are exposed, the chances for an infection forming are incredibly high.

From bad to worse without treatment

Many people who suffer from gum disease will then begin to deal with issues like severe infections and tooth loss. In fact, the majority of adult tooth loss is precluded by gum disease for this very reason. In this case, patients need to complete the deep cleaning and ensure the proper restoration of their gum tissue.

Laser dentistry can sometimes complete this by stimulating healthy gum production. This way, the gums can begin to heal without the need for surgery and sutures. In some cases, a combination of laser dentistry and surgery will be necessary for completely restoring the tissue. This is important to ensure that a patient does not suffer massive tooth loss.

Schedule an appointment.

If you feel that you have gum disease and need to visit the dentist, we encourage scheduling an appointment with our clinic to learn how lasers can help to improve your health.

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