Advanced Periodontics & Implant Dentistry Dentist Odessa Texas

Mini Dental Implants for Patients in a Hurry

Among all dental options for replacing missing teeth, mini dental implants are an excellent way to do so without wearing traditional dentures. After serious tooth loss, an individual may be living with the discomfort and embarrassment of missing teeth or dealing with ill-fitting dentures. While dentures are an effective teeth replacement to an extent, they leave much to be desired.

Other options may not be as effective

Dentures do not look exactly like natural teeth and can feel bulky in the mouth. Since dentures are removable, they can fall out more easily than mini dental implants. Additionally, patients tend to complain that they can begin to irritate the gums over time, creating additional discomfort. All of these reasons are cause to look for a better solution, and we have one for you.

When you lose teeth, you can either replace them with removable dentures, fixed bridges, or implants. Dental implants are the most secure and durable choice to treat significant tooth loss, however, they do pose a few challenges.

One challenge is that it can take months for the process to complete because the implant must be surgically placed, the gums healed, and osseointegration must be complete before the new teeth are attached. With numerous teeth to replace, another challenge is the time and cost necessary, taking too long and costing too much for patients. if the jawbone suffers too much resorption of the jaw bone, then the jawbone will not be able to support traditional dental implants.

Benefits of mini dental implants

Mini dental implants are faster to place and less expensive than regular dental implants. With mini dental implants, we can provide patients with a full set of teeth using only a few posts to hold them in place. Essentially, mini dental implants are a hybrid between traditional dental implants and dentures. Patients experience all the benefits of a natural looking full set of teeth that is secure and durable but do not have to undergo multiple procedures to achieve that goal. We can place the new teeth at the same time.

Even if a patient decides to not replace all the teeth with implants, mini dental implants have a distinct advantage in that they are shorter and wider than traditional titanium implants. After tooth loss, the jawbone will no longer be stimulated by the tooth and root that was once there. The body will begin to believe that the jaw is not functioning as it should and does not need as much support. Calcium will then be leached from your jawbone for use in other parts of the body in a process known as resorption.

Resorption makes the jaw smaller, changing facial appearance and impacting the strength of one’s jaw. At this point, a patient may not qualify for traditional implants without a bone graft. Fortunately, mini dental implants will typically work in this situation, giving patients the benefit of a permanent and durable new tooth. If you or a loved one have lost multiple teeth and are interested in mini dental implants, we can help. Our treatment will help to restore a smile in a natural and durable way.

Call for information on mini dental implants

Discover how mini dental implants can benefit you by calling our office and scheduling a consultation.

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