Advanced Periodontics & Implant Dentistry Dentist Odessa Texas

Why Mini Dental Implants Are Popular

Mini dental implants are becoming an incredibly popular solution for our patients. Mini dental implants are an innovative way to replace missing teeth and one of the best ways available today.  Dentures are no longer the only option for replacing missing teeth.

Now, medical technology is making it possible for people to replace teeth in a way that is more secure and durable than before. With mini dental implants, patients can continue to live without their teeth being an issue for daily activities.

We secure the implant to the jaw bone

The most important thing to realize about mini dental implants is that we secure the implant to the jaw bone. By securing it to the jawbone, the mini dental implant makes is different than any other solution. With other options like a dental bridge or dentures, we have to secure the teeth in place using things wires or adjacent teeth.

We insert mini dental implants under the gums and secure them directly to the jaw bone itself. Since these posts consist of titanium, the body responds to it as if the implant were an actual root. This procedure is incredibly beneficial because the body will begin to deposit bone around the implant in a process known as osseointegration. Osseointegration is what makes dental implants so secure and durable.

They behave like natural teeth

Once osseointegration is complete, the implant is so secure that it will behave like a natural tooth. This means that a patient can eat all of their favorite foods, engage in high-impact activities like running a marathon and never worry about the tooth falling out of place. Mini dental implants are an amazing technology.

They look natural

Another benefit of mini dental implants is that they have a natural appearance. Thus, patients can smile confidently without worrying that anyone will be able to notice their teeth are anything but natural. This is one of the main reasons people elect to have their teeth replaced using this option.

Easy to maintain

The only thing a patient needs to do is brush and floss like normal and to eat a mouth-healthy diet. In other words, do what you normally would with a set of healthy teeth. There are no additional steps to care for implants.

An alternative to traditional dental implants

With all these benefits, many people wonder why everyone does not replace teeth with dental implants. Sometimes, this is because they do not have enough jaw bone density to do so. This is where mini implants really shine. The posts are shorter and fatter. Mini dental implants can be just as secure but they do not require as much bone density for placement. This makes it possible for people to receive mini dental implants that otherwise may not qualify for implants at all.

Learn more

If you would like to discover more about the many benefits of replacing teeth with dental implants, call our office today. We can then make a recommendation about whether traditional or mini dental implants would be the best solution for your situation.

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