Advanced Periodontics & Implant Dentistry Dentist Odessa Texas

An Oral Cancer Screening Can Provide You with Powerful Information

When it comes to oral cancer screening, it is important that the patient and the dentist realize that visiting the dentist is no longer just a professional cleaning. Visiting the dentist is actually becoming a matter of life and death. Dental examinations that include a screening for oral cancer can actually save lives. It is for this reason that many dentists give cancer screenings as a regular part of dental examinations. When looking for soft spots, receding gums, and determining whether or not the patient needs to have treatment for gingivitis, it is easy for dentists to also conduct an oral cancer screening. While oral cancer screenings are not a requirement, we strongly encourage a screening with a regular dental checkup once every six months.


From a historical perspective, it has been extremely difficult to determine if abnormal tissues in the mouth are worthy of concern or if they are just tissues that are mimicking the appearance of pre-cancerous changes. It is very easy for there to be abnormalities in oral tissue. For example, accidentally biting the inside of the cheek, a sore spot from a poorly fitting prosthetic appliance or denture, are all going to have similar characteristics to a dangerous lesion. While some of these conditions cause discomfort and others are perfectly painless, they are not what a dentist is looking for when conducting a cancer screening.

On the other hand, if there is a sore, discoloration, irritation or hoarseness of prominent tissue that does not resolve itself within 2 weeks on its own, then it may be time for an examination. These symptoms can still be dangerous, with or without treatment. Patients also need to be aware of what is going on with their mouth. If any of these kinds of changes occur, then it is highly recommended that the patient brings this to the attention of their dental professional for examination.

Information is power 

Oral cancer screenings, conducted by the dentist, are the first line of defense in early detection of oral cancer. Many people will see the dentist at least once each year, providing an ideal opportunity to have a cancer screening to catch oral cancer in its early stages.

The success of information based campaigns like the ones for annual pap smears, mammograms and prostate exams, show how to effectively involve the public in the early detection of conditions like oral cancer. Together with a motivated dental community that assumes a leadership role in oral cancer detection, oral cancer screenings can become the norm in all dental check-ups. Regular screenings will help with early detection in order to help reduce the number and severity of the cases of oral cancer.

Call today to schedule your screening appointment.

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