Advanced Periodontics & Implant Dentistry Dentist Odessa Texas

Visit a Periodontist if You Are Suffering from Loose Dentures

As a periodontist, we can provide you with advanced dental care.  Our goal is to help you to maintain healthy teeth and gums.  If you are wearing partial dentures and notice that they have become loose, it could be a sign of gum disease. We want to see you right away so that we can examine you and identify the problem so that we can begin treating it.  This is critical because if gum disease is diagnosed and treated early, any treatment will be easy and non-invasive.  If it is allowed to advance, the treatments required will become more intensive and time-consuming, which is not in your best interest.

Visit a Periodontist if Your Dentures are Loose

If your dentures are loose it could be because you are suffering from gum disease or you are suffering from resorption. Both scenarios require a dentist appointment so we can examine you and determine the root cause of your oral health problems and loose dentures. Gum disease is not something to be taken lightly because it can lead to you losing any of the teeth you have remaining.  It is the leading cause of tooth loss among adults, and as a periodontist, it is something that we can treat using laser dentistry.

We Treat Gums Using Laser Dentistry

Lasers are the preferred method for treating gum disease because they are non-invasive.  Traditionally, gum disease would be treated using metal dental tools that would scrape off the plaque and tartar from the teeth underneath the gums.  This would require the gums to be pulled away from the teeth – something that would naturally be uncomfortable and even painful.  Our solution does not require this.  Instead, the gums are left in place but the plaque and tartar are broken up using lasers.  As a result, our patients feel comfortable and do not suffer the pain, bleeding or swelling that is generally associated with periodontics treatments.

We Can Replace Your Teeth Using Dental Implants

When you visit our periodontist office, we can not only take care of your gums but can also replace your missing teeth in a more permanent and secure fashion.  Dental implants are an ideal solution for anyone that has suffered tooth loss and wants to replace their teeth in a way that is natural and durable. Implants are the only solution that replaces your root in addition to your actual tooth. This makes it possible for your tooth to remain secure in your mouth as you eat and engage in normal daily activities.  Our patients appreciate how secure their teeth feel and the fact that they don’t have to think about them on a daily basis. Dental implants behave like your natural teeth so you care for them the same way that you do your natural teeth, by brushing twice a day and flossing daily.

You do not have to live with loose dentures caused by gum disease or resorption.  Visit our periodontics office to have your gum disease treated and your teeth replaced with implants.

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